We are Slice Digital

A clash of experts with innovative ideas

Committed to delivering unparalleled value to every customer through exceptional quality.

Data driven approach

We pride ourselves on utilizing a data-driven approach in the development of our solutions. By analyzing and interpreting data, we are able to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions that result in more effective and efficient solutions for our customers. Our data-driven approach also allows us to continuously monitor and optimize our solutions to ensure they meet the evolving needs of our customers.

Data driven approach

As affordable as it can get

We understand that cost can be a major consideration when it comes to finding the right solution for your business needs. We offer competitive prices by utilizing remote work. This means we don’t have the same overhead costs as traditional brick and mortar businesses, and we are able to pass those savings on to you, our valued customer. It’s just one of the ways we are committed to providing the highest value for your investment.

Get a quote for your project
As affordable as it can get

Slice Digital in the numbers

  • 6 years

    On the market, delivering high quality solutions to our customers

  • 12 STRONG

    Small but highly experienced & dedicated team

  • Over 60

    Successfully finished projects and satisfied clients.

  • Majority

    Customer retention and future maintainance on their projects.

  • 3 Continents

    North America, Europe & Australia is where our clients reside.

Daniel Atanasovski

Founder & CEO of Slice Digital

Having worked at various startups in Berlin, I understand the difficulty of finding a trustworthy tech partner. I’ve witnessed the disappointment of investing in subpar results. That’s why I am committed to delivering something different—a client-centric agency that prioritizes your success and ensures your satisfaction.

Agile Methodologies

We prioritize flexibility and adaptability over a strict plan, and we work closely with our clients to make sure we’re delivering exactly what they need. Agile methodology allows us to respond quickly to changing requirements or priorities, and ensures that we are always delivering value to our clients. It also allows for continuous improvement and feedback loops that help us to identify and address any issues in a timely manner.

Agile Methodologies

Trully a part of your team

We function as a seamless extension of our clients’ team, always keeping them in the loop with project details and deadlines. This ensures that we are aligned with their objectives and able to deliver a high-quality result that meets their expectations.

Trully a part of your team