A / B testing is a method used to determine whether a given change on the website can have a positive effect on the conversion rate. This method is implemented by creating a page with changes (page B) whose results are compared to the results of the original page (page A). The page that performs better in terms of statistical difference between the two tests, is most likely the better option for the growth of your business. More on statistical significance here.
A / B tests are quantitative tests that work with a single variable. However, this variable does not have to have only two versions. The change can be introduced on a number of pages: A / B / C / D / n. For example, you can test up to 10 versions of calls to action by dividing traffic into 5 versions of the same page, each with a different call to action.
Unlike A / B testing, multivariate tests use multiple variables to determine which combination of variables has more conversions. For example, one change you make can also apply to the title, call-to-action button, and price.
It is recommended to use A / B tests when you can precisely identify an element that is a potential key to increase conversions.
Despite its simplicity, A / B tests are a process that includes deep data analysis. They also provide important information about the user’s interaction with your site. The results will appear only if several conditions are fulfilled at the same time: the test will be correctly implemented, the appropriate variable will be used, and the test will be carried out on the right pages and at the right time.
Due to the fact that A / B tests may require the creation of very similar in terms of content, there may be some problems with SEO.
However, if you follow Google’s guidelines and carry out tests correctly, you can eliminate all threats. In addition, if you use the appropriate A / B testing tools, all necessary precautions will be taken automatically.
If you do not want your versions of the page to be viewed as duplicates or as pages with very similar content, use rel = “canonical” to indicate that there is only one original version of the page, and that it should be considered by search engine robots. .
Additionally, in order to redirect traffic to the selected version of the page, use 302 redirection instead of 301 redirect. This is information for search engine robots that the change page is only a temporary page and is most likely part of the test.
The A / B test tools allow you to get valuable information about the user’s behavior and to make the right decision about changing the page element. In the context of an ever-changing internet environment, in which the parties must keep up with the changing preferences of customers and the constantly evolving ways of using the Internet, tests should be carried out systematically.
If we use the right A / B testing tool, we can easily develop and implement experiments without having to make scrupulous and demanding changes to the content of the page or changes in the source code.
The primary purpose of A / B testing is to improve elements of your website via targeting the individual persona of your customer. The goal is to convince more users to perform the desired action on your page through testing what would incline them to perform the actions that would eventually lead to a conversion. Consequently, the conversion rate will increase.
You can use A / B tests to find a way to maximize different types of conversions:
Testing begins with the analysis of the conversion funnel and identifying a site that needs improvement. This process enables you to figure out not only which parts of the website require improvement, it also lets you know more about your customers, specifically, their persona. Based on that it becomes possible to not only to have more leads, but actually increase your conversion rate. Based on the data interpretation, we can now validate many ideas with the final goal being the increase of your business conversion rate. Your customer base analysis is the most crucial point to understanding them well and being able to offer them the user journey, content and emotional support that they require in order to make a conversion.This key element can be indicated by a good understanding of the user’s behavior in combination with knowledge of the ergonomics of websites.
Ideas for A / B tests or what to test:
The hypothesis should indicate a way to achieve the goal. For example, you can create a hypothesis saying “Direct access to users by the content of the site will increase the conversion rate by 5%” or “Removing one field from the contact form will lead to a 4% increase in leads”.